Everything You Need to Register Voters

Point camera to the QR code on the left or text VOTE SW to 34444 to check your voter registration, register to vote, or request your mail-in ballot (with Vot-ER logo in top left corner)
Scan the QR code to the right with your smartphone camera or click here to visit Vot-ER's website and check your current voter registration and/or register to vote! If your state doesn't allow online voter registration, TurboVote will mail you a paper application!
QR code image. You can scan with smartphone camera to visit Vot-er.org
Don't forget! Everyone needs to update their voter registration if they
Changed their name. If you recently changed your name due to marriage, divorce, or another reason you will need to update your current voter registration to reflect those changes. If you changed your name to match your gender identity, check out Transform the Vote and download their #VotingWhileTransGuide to learn more about protections for transgender voters.
Recently changed their address. Every time you move you have to update your voter registration to reflect your new address.
Haven't voted in a while?
No worries! Voting records are public and you can check that your registration is still active by clicking on this button to visit voterrecords.com and search yourself! Don't forget to update your registration with the resources above, if necessary!
Additional voting resources. Click the buttons below to learn more
Register Special Populations. An individual who has been formerly incarcerated or has a felony conviction may still be able to register to vote.
Find your state's election website. Your state’s election office website can offer state-wide voting guidance as well as answers to questions about polling locations, in-person registration, and other local questions.
Always remember, you can register voters anywhere! student group meetings, clinics, on campus, facebook groups, protests, at your field placement, farmers market, at a concert, hospitals, faculty meetings, and so much more!