Research Articles, Books, Videos and Podcasts

Voting Is Social Work Resource Hub with red bang image in background. Toolkits/past events, Research articles, books/podcasts, documentaries, films/videos! picture of stacked books in bottom left corner that are grey, red, and light blue.
 Click the widget below to visit the google spreadsheet where the resource hub lives. Use the tabs pictured above (list left to right: home page, toolkits and past events, research articles, books/podcasts, documentaries/films/videos) along the bottom of the resource hub to find articles, videos, films, documentaries, podcasts, and books on the following subjects: voting rights, voter engagement and social work, benefits of civic engagement, voter turnout and changing demographics. If you have an article or resource that you would like to include, please send it to us at
Image of the Voting Is Social Work Resource Hub. Click the image to visit the resource hub.