General Voting Resources

Listed below are web-based tools for voter participation and education.

A great one-stop resource where you can register to vote, check your registration status/address, find polling locations and link to your state's election website.

A nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to building the political power of young people through pop culture, music, art and technology. Check status, register voters, find voter guides and helpful tools.

Register your mobile number or email to receive reminders to vote in all local/state/federal elections. You can also get forms, update voter registration, request an absentee ballot and keep track of local and national elections. Note: Many colleges and universities use Turbovote to register students.

Easily view and compare candidates that will be on your personal ballot by entering your address.

The largest source of nonpartisan resources to help nonprofits integrate voter engagement into their ongoing activities and services. Nonprofit Vote provides training, marketing materials, research and resources to vote.

A leading voice on criminal justice research and policy, including felony voting rights.  Learn more about the 6.1 million citizens who have lost their right to vote because of a felony conviction and connect to your state's rules and local allies.

Advocates for policies that make it easier for Americans to vote, including the expansion of same-day and online voter registration.


If you know of an online resource that could be helpful to the campaign, please contact us at